Housing Select Committee - Thursday 14 March 2024, 7:00pm - Lewisham Council Webcasting
Housing Select Committee
Thursday, 14th March 2024 at 7:00pm
The webcast is for public viewing and is not to be used nor relied upon in any respect for the purposes of being a true and accurate reflection of the meeting. Only the agreed Minutes of the Meeting shall be a true record.
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
3 Repairs Update from Housing Providers
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Cllr Clarke
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Clarke
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Cllr Parry
Cllr Parry
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Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Parry
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Burgess
Cllr Burgess
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Burgess
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Parry
Cllr Parry
Cllr Parry
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Burgess
Cllr Burgess
Cllr Burgess
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Parry
Cllr Burgess
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Agenda item :
3 Repairs Update from Housing Providers
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Cllr Penfold
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Cllr Parry
Cllr Parry
Cllr Parry
Cllr Parry
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Cllr Parry
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Parry
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Cooper
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Penfold
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Penfold
Agenda item :
4 Select Committee Work Programme
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- 01. Minutes of the meeting held on 4 January 2024, opens in new tab
- 02 Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- 03. Repairs Update from Housing Providers 140324, opens in new tab
- 03. Appendix A- Clarion Housing 140324, opens in new tab
- 03. Appendix B- Hyde Housing 140324, opens in new tab
- 03. Appendix C- L&Q 140324, opens in new tab
- 03. Appendix D- Peabody 140324, opens in new tab
- 03. Appendix E- Southern Housing 140324, opens in new tab
- 04. Select Committee Work Programme Report 140324, opens in new tab
- 04. Appendix C- Completed Work Programme 2023-24 for HSC 140324, opens in new tab
- 04. Appendix D- Forward Plan of Key Decisions March 2024 140324, opens in new tab