Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 24 July 2024, 3:00pm - Lewisham Council Webcasting
Health and Wellbeing Board
Wednesday, 24th July 2024 at 3:00pm
The webcast is for public viewing and is not to be used nor relied upon in any respect for the purposes of being a true and accurate reflection of the meeting. Only the agreed Minutes of the Meeting shall be a true record.
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Agenda item :
1 Election Vice Chair
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Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Agenda item :
2 Minutes of last meeting and matters arising/Action Tracker
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
Agenda item :
4 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) update
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Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Agenda item :
5 New Health and Wellbeing Strategy update
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Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Agenda item :
6 Housing Directorate Briefing
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Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Agenda item :
7 Annual Public Health Report - Cost of Living
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Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Agenda item :
8 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) - Update report
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Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Mayor Brenda Dacres
Webcast Finished
- Election Vice Chair, opens in new tab
- Minutes, opens in new tab
- Minutes Public Pack, 17/10/2023 Health and Wellbeing Board, opens in new tab
- Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- Lewisham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Update, opens in new tab
- Appendix - A Picture of Lewiisham, opens in new tab
- New Health and Wellbeing Strategy update, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Health Wellbeing Board_seminar_session_300124, opens in new tab
- Housing Directorate Briefing, opens in new tab
- Appendix Housing Directorate Briefing, opens in new tab
- Annual Public Health Report 2023. The Cost of living crisis and health impact and action in Lewisham, opens in new tab
- Appendix Lewisham Annual Public Health Report 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Lewisham Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) Update Report, opens in new tab

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