Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee - Thursday 6 March 2025, 7:00pm - Lewisham Council Webcasting
Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee
Thursday, 6th March 2025 at 7:00pm
The webcast is for public viewing and is not to be used nor relied upon in any respect for the purposes of being a true and accurate reflection of the meeting. Only the agreed Minutes of the Meeting shall be a true record.
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Chris Best
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Laura Cunningham
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Sophie Davis
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Hau-Yu Tam
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr David Walker
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Agenda item :
1 Minutes of previous meeting
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Cllr Chris Best
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Committee Officer
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of interest
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Agenda item :
3 Responses from Mayor and Cabinet
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Agenda item :
4 Public Spaces Protection Order Update
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Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr David Walker
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Sophie Davis
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Hau-Yu Tam
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Hau-Yu Tam
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Laura Cunningham
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Chris Best
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Rosie Parry
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Dawn Atkinson
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Agenda item :
5 Police Community Engagement and Tackling Crime
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Cllr Sophie Davis
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Laura Cunningham
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Chris Best
Cllr Rosie Parry
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr David Walker
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Hau-Yu Tam
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Rosie Parry
Cllr David Walker
Cllr Rosie Parry
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Rosie Parry
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Dawn Atkinson
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Hau-Yu Tam
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Agenda item :
6 Select Committee work programme
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Cllr Rosie Parry
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Cllr Rosie Parry
Cllr Liam Shrivastava
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of previous meeting, opens in new tab
- Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- PSPO Update, opens in new tab
- PSPO Equalities Analysis Assessment - February 2025 (002), opens in new tab
- PSPO presentation, opens in new tab
- Police Community Engagement and Tackling Crime Update, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Police Presentation, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - 2024-25 Select Committee Work Programme, opens in new tab
- Appenddix E - Forward Plan of Key Decisions, opens in new tab
- Select Committee work programme, opens in new tab