Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 19 March 2025, 3:00pm - Lewisham Council Webcasting
Health and Wellbeing Board
Wednesday, 19th March 2025 at 3:00pm
The webcast is for public viewing and is not to be used nor relied upon in any respect for the purposes of being a true and accurate reflection of the meeting. Only the agreed Minutes of the Meeting shall be a true record.
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2025-2030
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Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Agenda item :
4 Better Care Fund Plan for 2025/26
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Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Agenda item :
5 South East London ICB - Joint Forward Plan 2025-26
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Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Dr Catherine Mbema
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Agenda item :
6 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
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Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Agenda item :
7 Study of health needs in the Forest Hill area, with a view to increasing GP capacity in the Forest Hill ward.
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Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Aliya Sheikh
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Cllr Paul Bell
Webcast Finished
- Item 1. Minutes, opens in new tab
- Minutes , 20/11/2024 Health and Wellbeing Board, opens in new tab
- Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- Item 3. Lewisham_Health_Wellbeing_Strategy_update19032025, opens in new tab
- Item 3a. Lewisham Health and Wellbeing Strategy_2025_30_draft_HWB, opens in new tab
- Item 4. Better Care Fund plan 2025-26 v1, opens in new tab
- Item 5. Joint Forward Plan 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Item 5a. Appendix 1 - South East London 202526 Joint Forward Plan Executive Summary, opens in new tab
- Item 5b. Appendix 2 South East London 202526 Joint Forward Plan Refresh – Lewisham Health & Care Partners, opens in new tab
- Item 6. JSNA Update for March 2025 HWBB Final, opens in new tab
- Item 7. Forest Hill Assembly resolution regarding GP provision, opens in new tab
- Item 7a. M&C report 1 November GP Surgeries in Forest Hill FINAL 20 10 23 v1, opens in new tab
- Item 7b. GP provision in Forest Hill ward 23-24 (002) Presentation Ashley O'Shaunessy, opens in new tab